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Last week, the stress got the best of me, and I started to let things overwhelm me. Being back, having so many briefs thrown at me, so...
The Shop Front Theatre
The Shop Front Theatre in Coventry have been commissioning creative pieces around the topic of 'Are We Where We Are' since last year. I...
Premiere Pro
Today in the Technical Skills Class, we were introduced to Premiere Pro. I have been using iMovie, which in comparison, is very simple...
ABBA Tribute Night
On Friday, I went to see an ABBA Tribute band with some friends. While I had high hopes, I didn't think it would be as good as it was....
Visual Communications Launch
Today, Paul launched the Visual Communications module which seems like a really fun brief. We are to create a campaign on...
PDP Launch
Today, Paul launched the PDP module with us. We are focussing on preparing for our work placement first as well as doing a life brief for...
Typography Launch
So today, I had my 212AAD Typography Launch with Lecturer Mark. He seems very enthusiastic about this module as he loves typography, and...
Advantage Module Launch
Yesterday morning, I had the launch for my advantage module. I didn't really speak much about advantage last year, so this year it is...
A Fresh Start - Year 2
With a new university year here, I am starting with sorting out my blog, as I think that separating my Year 1 and Year 2 posts will be...
1SE - September 2018
Here is my completed September 1 Second Everyday video. I have really enjoyed using the app. It is easy to add video clips either from...
Recently, I heard of a new app called 1 Second Everyday. This app allows you to record one (maximum two) one second videos of each day....
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