Year 1 - Complete! What next?
At about 10:30 this morning, I handed in my work for Paula. This blog is already submitted and ready to go. I just had to hand in my folder of printed material so it can be marked too. Handing it in and getting it done felt so good.
This marks the end of the first year, I can't believe how quickly it's gone. I have learnt so much since starting back in September, university has changed me for the better. When I come to think about it, I often feel like getting the grades I did at a-level and going into clearing was the best thing that could have happened to me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken Graphic Design, I wouldn't have met my best friends and I would not have confirmed my passion for design.
This first year has been truly amazing. I have developed so much as a designer. Honestly when I first started my degree I didn't know anything about Adobe at all. Now I can use the programmes to do what I want to do. I can use them with no problems and for that I am so proud of myself. I have also found certain aspects of design that I'm interested in, such as illustration and typography.
Coventry University has also allowed me to continue experimenting with the idea of teaching alongside learning design. My previous university choices wouldn't have offered this.
Overall, I believe that me ending up doing Design at Coventry University was fate. I have enjoyed the first year so much, made the best friends and had the chance to find my passion. Next year, I plan to continue to work hard, do the best I can, get the best work placement I can and carry on succeeding with my friends beside me.
All that's left to do now is to carry on blogging (probably fortnightly until I go back to uni) continue working hard and hope my work so far pays off in the grades I recieve.
Thankyou for reading!
Katie Xx