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ABBA Poster
The pub needs a poster for an ABBA night they are hosting soon, and as a fan of ABBA I am really excited to design this poster. Now I...
One of the first things I created for the new design job at the pubs was their logos. As they are both owned by the same family I have...
A New Design Opportunity!
Today, I managed to secure a design job after seeing a status on Facebook for my local pub needing help with posters. At the meeting, I...
Second Year Finished & GRADES
I have now finished second year and have got my grades back. I am overall happy with the year expect for one module grade, however I now...
In It Together Concept
On Thursday at running I was talking to one of the organisers for In It Together about advertising their new course. They have posters...
SWATCH Degree Show
Today, I visited the degree show to see the third year work, and to see what we will have to create next year for our degree show. Some...
Finishing Touches
Today, I have been focussing on completing all the finishing touches ready to present tomorrow. I am excited to present my work and get...
Finished Bilex Kids Portfolio
As the project manager, I have completed a compilation of everyones digital work for the Bilex Kids brief. I have sent it to the group...
Finished Pull Up Banner
I have added the changes Aris wanted and finished the banner. He has confirmed he is happy with it and there is no more work to be done...
Finished CRMC Portfolio
I have created the CRMC portfolio from the group, as it was my job to create the pitch and so I had a file on it ready with the border...
Altered Landing Page Visual
I have managed to get in touch with Morgan and ask her to change the landing page visual to Mark's suggestion. She has done this and...
Sending off my Essay
I have just sent off my essay for 216AAD on the question 'Beauty products can only be effectively advertised by using gender...
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