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The Shop Front Theatre

The Shop Front Theatre in Coventry have been commissioning creative pieces around the topic of 'Are We Where We Are' since last year. I have been going to watch them since the second piece, (we missed the first) but they have been really creative, different and inspirational although they have been based on the same starting point.

Last night, I went to help run the bar at the theatre and watch the next two pieces in the series.

The first piece was by Cristina Catalina, called 'The Things We Tell Ourselves'. She wrote her piece as more of a to-do list, a journey through her mind when exploring the title.

Along the way, she reflected upon her journey from the fall of President/Dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu who fell in 1989 during the Romanian Revolution, to the present day, her piece, writing and performing, being a mother and dealing with life in general.

The second piece was by Stephanie Ridings called 'Don't Cry For Me'. She performed about an emotional and personal story of her brother, a true story, of how he grew up a 'genius' - having memorised the words to 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' by the time he was 2 (which she made us all sing in a game at the start of the performance).

However one day, her brother took a turn for the worst, declined and was eventually diagnosed with Aspergers-syndrome.

The pieces were inspiring, gripping and enjoyable to watch. They engrossed me as they were written and performed very well.

The Shop Front Theatre has its final piece in the series coming up the 7th-10th of November.

You should come along, even if you haven't seen any of the pieces before. The space is so beautiful, rustic, quirky and creative. It is a place for free thought and to meet other like minded people who are also interested in the Arts.

You can find any more details on their Facebook page.

Thanks for reading! If you are free, go along to the final piece, which will be something to remember.

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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