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ABBA Poster
The pub needs a poster for an ABBA night they are hosting soon, and as a fan of ABBA I am really excited to design this poster. Now I...
One of the first things I created for the new design job at the pubs was their logos. As they are both owned by the same family I have...
A New Design Opportunity!
Today, I managed to secure a design job after seeing a status on Facebook for my local pub needing help with posters. At the meeting, I...
Second Year Finished & GRADES
I have now finished second year and have got my grades back. I am overall happy with the year expect for one module grade, however I now...
In It Together Concept
On Thursday at running I was talking to one of the organisers for In It Together about advertising their new course. They have posters...
SWATCH Degree Show
Today, I visited the degree show to see the third year work, and to see what we will have to create next year for our degree show. Some...
Finishing Touches
Today, I have been focussing on completing all the finishing touches ready to present tomorrow. I am excited to present my work and get...
Finished Bilex Kids Portfolio
As the project manager, I have completed a compilation of everyones digital work for the Bilex Kids brief. I have sent it to the group...
Finished Pull Up Banner
I have added the changes Aris wanted and finished the banner. He has confirmed he is happy with it and there is no more work to be done...
Finished CRMC Portfolio
I have created the CRMC portfolio from the group, as it was my job to create the pitch and so I had a file on it ready with the border...
Altered Landing Page Visual
I have managed to get in touch with Morgan and ask her to change the landing page visual to Mark's suggestion. She has done this and...
Sending off my Essay
I have just sent off my essay for 216AAD on the question 'Beauty products can only be effectively advertised by using gender...
Going over the Website
Me and Matt have decided to go over the website in detail whilst we are together. The first thing that needs changing is Mark's...
Client Meeting 7
Attendance: Katie, Matt Today, me and Matt met with Aris and discussed everything up to this point (the actions from yesterday's blog...
Presentation Slides
I have completed the presentation slides for Aris, this is how they look: I have created a few different general slides he might find...
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