Client Meeting 5
Attendance: Katie, Matt, Morgan (over FaceTime)
Today we met with Aris and talked him through the changes we have done since last week.
Aris likes the new logo and the style of it. He is happy as this is back with the initial idea he liked of the flags. We talked about the flag – Aris wants the Cypriot flag as well as the Greek flag on the logo. This is something Matt agreed to work on and try to get it sent over to Mark with the XD file today.
He is really happy with the name 'Bilex Plus' and thinks it incorporates the feel well.
Aris wants translation from Greek to English on Adults page of the website too, this is something I can add easily.
Today, me and Matt will do the changes needed, I will make sure all the web stuff is finished and how Aris wanted it, and Matt will develop the logo to how he needs it to be. Then we will email it all to Mark (as we thought we were going to Skype him today, but he must have been busy and didn't answer). Hopefully he can begin on creating the website and tell us if anything needs changing so we can work on it before the next meeting in a week's time.
We want to get things done in a timely fashion as Aris will be away soon.