This week, I set myself 5 goals to be completed by yesterday. I want to reflect on how well I met them and why I did or didn't do well, in order to keep on top of my progress.
My 5 goals were:
1. My blog all up to date, recording all group meetings and activities so far, as currently I have not digitised them all COMPLETE
2. I also want to have my sketchbook up to date with all my research and development presented
3. My logo and GIF finished before the client meeting Friday morning HALF COMPLETE
4. Start my online portfolio for the submission for module 215AAD COMPLETE - (however I need to speak to a module leader to find out whether it is acceptable to do this on Wix for the submission or if it needs to be coded or on Wordpress)
5. Make my blog more mobile friendly, when I share links this is where most people view the blog. I have designed it currently for web, I need to ensure the mobile version is easy to navigate and aesthetically appealing. COMPLETE
I am happy with my progress as I managed to complete the majority of the tasks I set myself, on top of having emergency work to do for In It Together. This method works well for me as it allows me to prioritise tasks and record them, as when I record them I feel like it makes me feel more obliged to tick them off.
This is something I will continue this semester as a way to organise myself and ensure tasks get done to the best of my ability.
Thanks for reading,
Katie Xx