Working on the Logo
This evening, I have done some work on the logo ahead of the meeting tomorrow with Aris, and taking into consideration the feedback Lisa had given us today.
I played with some new type (like Rebecca suggested) and then combined this with the flags that Aris liked.
I tried to combine the adult style type and use some more childish type to show the site is for both audiences. This is what I managed to find/come up with.
I need to get feedback from Aris and the group as they haven't seen it yet, as I have only been wokring on it this evening after Lisa's feedback at the Pecha Kucha this morning. It is not finished yet and will need more work, but I think it is a better idea than the logo before and will integrate better with the website than the previous logo design. It will also work as a GIF with all the flags which is something that Aris really likes and wants on the website.