Pecha Kucha 3
Attendance: Katie, Matt, Morgan
This week, Morgan put together the Pecha Kucha presentation for the group.

We received some feedback about the work we have done so far which is worth recording and discussing.
Lisa didn't think the logo was right and didn't match the website, which I agree with. I have been trying to change the logo to make it more childlike to match this theme WHILST going with what Aris has chosen. Lisa suggested giving him some more ideas and seeing if he prefers something else, as this isn't going in the right direction.
From what I understand, she has suggested I go back and create some other digital logo designs to present to Aris tomorrow, as currently it doesn't match the website theme and needs to be consistent, and make sure that as a team we are on the same page. We also need to be careful we don’t separate out the work, it needs to flow between the two projects, adult and child sections, and website and logo. We also need a solid concept. Lisa also commented she “didn’t like the circles” but thought the idea of the characters as illustrations works well.