Semester 1 Grades
Now we have received all our grades back from semester 1 I thought I would reflect upon them.
For Visual Communications I got 68%, which was my highest grade this semester. I am happy with it, but a little bit annoyed as I was so close to getting a first. I thought that the amount of development and research I did could have pushed me up, however I know that my ident let me down, as I opted for stop motion graphics instead of creating it using film or using Animate or After Effects.
For Typography and PDP I got 65% on both. I think this was fair in PDP as my CV project was quite strong and I did quite a lot on the group work too in terms of research, development, and putting some of the pitch together.
For Typography, I was a little annoyed with my grade, as I did a lot of research, managed to rewrite my own brief and then create a document that met it. However, after reading some of the feedback I realised why I had got this grade, but I was still annoyed with myself as they were such obvious developments which I could have improved on easily.
I am planning to take this feedback into my work this semester to ensure I get the best grades possible. I am happy with the grades I have achieved as I have got a high 2:1. Though I was aiming for a first, I produced work to the best of my ability and did get good grades overall. I am most annoyed by the 68% as that was so close to getting a 1st.
I have learnt I need to have better attention to detail and question why I am doing something in relation to the brief/theme, which is sometimes difficult when you're so into the brief. I need to learn to step back and look at things as well as being engrossed, as this balance will help me to achieve better grades in the future.
Thanks for reading!
Katie Xx