Future Proof 2019
Today, Phil launched out first Future Proof event, which was a conference for second and third years. At the event, we met 3 guests from the industry who spoke about their profession within the GD industry, and also had a chance to speak with the third years about their placement/live project last year, as this is something we are prepping for in second year.
I thought the event was very successful, and was a nice opportunity for the second and third years to mix and get to know one another. I also found speaker and book designer Sean Williams very inspiring as he has done such a wide range of work for many different genres and has had a lot of very successful outcomes. It is through his passion for design that he has managed to have so many exciting opportunities, such as working on covers for The Hunger Games books. I want to have a similar drive for my work, and opportunities, which I hope will lead me to an interesting career like Sean's.
Overall, the event was very interesting and insightful. I hope they will do another next year, when I will be given the opportunity to share some of my experiences with second year.
Thanks for reading!
Katie Xx