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Meeting 5

Attendance: Lizzie, Katie, Mohit

Minutes for meeting 5:

We discussed the hand shaped leaflet idea, and Mohit and Lizzie made a mockup of this idea

We spoke to Niall about the website, and cleared up that it is just for the festival and not for the CRMC in general

We cleared up general questions about the brief

We spoke with Janet and Jackie in the afternoon in a Q and A style about refugee week

We discussed some ideas with Janet about refugee week when she managed to see some of the groups

She said we need a sponsors page on the website

The footer could include some of the logos

It is the 21st anniversary of Refugee week so we could play with this idea

Me and Lizzie began thinking about incorporating the 21 idea before we went home and thought we could have some sort of large 21 that people could take photos with

I am planning to look into this idea more at home as part of my research.

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Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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