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Group Meeting 1

Attendence: Lizzie, Katie, Amz, Mohit

Minutes for the meeting:

Today, we had our first group meeting and spoke about the brief together. We hi-lighted and unpicked the brief.

The group also updated me about some discussion from yesterday afternoon. They were in the same tech skills group so had some time in the afternoon together, which I missed. (I am hoping to be moved into the same group as them so this time will be more valuable).

We also talked about potential ideas/suppliers for the pull up banner and the annual report

As a group we looked at a site called 'buymyprint' together and discussed some pricing.

We also discussed Lizzie's idea of having a fabric backdrop that would look like the one the Refugee centre already have, and we realised it doesn't need to be jazzy or expensive to show community and represent the work the centre do.

We also discussed some new ways to rebrand the festival and agreed to think some more on this.

Actions for Thursday:

We all agreed to come up with some scamps for

1. The front cover and first page of the annual report

2. Web ideas

3. Poster ideas for the festival

Thanks for reading!

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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