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Screen Printing

Today learnt how to screen print on a one day course at uni. This is a process I have been interested in for a while now and finally managed to book into a slot.

We learned how to prep a screen, expose it, actually print the designs, and how to clean the screens afterwards.

I did the logo for our group work as I thought the solid colour would be cool. I did this by cutting the white of the design out with a knife.

I didn't manage to take many photos as I was so busy learning bout the process, but here are a few I managed to get.

I am really grateful to have had the chance to learn this process at uni as part of my course.

I am excited to see which ways I can incorporate it into my work.

Thanks for reading!

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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