Penguin Project
This year, we have been given the Penguin Brief again, but this time we are not being assessed on the completion of the brief, we are just being encouraged to do it.
I have chosen the book Wonder by RJ Palacio.
I started by researching the book and watching the film. I also read lots of GoodReads reviews and looked at the main quotes from the book.
I came up with 2 quick scamps, we then put these up in class and got some feedback on our ideas, so that if we did decide to take it forward and enter the competition, we would have some initial feedback on our ideas.
I received some useful feedback, people liked my ideas as they were quite childish and would still appeal to the target audience of 'middle school' - so kids that are August's age in real life.
I would like to take this forward and design a cover for it. Last year I created a cover but I didn't enter it into the contest. This year I am going to challenge myself to enter it to Penguin and see what happens. This would also be a really nice piece for my portfolio, which is why I think the lecturers have asked us to do it.
Thanks for reading!
Katie Xx