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Croome Court

On Saturday, I visited Croome Court with my Mum for my Lawnmower Typography project.

This is because I have been researching Capability Brown and how he influenced the English Landscape Garden.

I went to see if I could find the 8 elements of Brown's work. Croome has 7. However, we didn't manage to find many of them as it was a cold, rainy and very windy day. And the grounds were huge, so we didn't get to look round much of it. I also didn't want to get my camera wet.

However, here are some of the photos I did manage to take, and wanted to share on the blog.

I really enjoyed the day and exploring the house and gardens. I feel I learnt a lot more about Brown's style of design and even got to see a monument dedicated to him in the gardens.

I am planning to use some of these images in my final product, however if not it was nice to go just to research Brown.

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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