Final Vis Com Work
Today I submitted my final Vis Com Campaign work, and 'Goodnight Mister Tom' book cover redesign.
Campaign Work:
These were my final deliverables for the campaign alongside my app, which was the main preventative collateral against loneliness.
The app's main features were based around a person's interests, where they would select these upon signing up, and then match with events that were to do with this particular interest. Then, one could sign up to attend these events/daytrips and meet other like minded people. They could also speak to people also interested in the same event as them before it takes place, so they didn't feel nervous to turn up alone.
Events and the app therefore encourages fun and making friends.
'Goodnight Mister Tom' Redesign:
I also redesigned the cover for 'Goodnight Mister Tom' for this module in preparation for the Student Penguin Book Awards 2020. The main essence of the cover was about being an evacuee, and being nothing more than the tag and the gas mask you came with.
It is also about connection between the gas mask (which protects - Mister Tom) and the evacuee tag (which represents Willie).
I wanted to use this style as though it is a children's book, it is quite mature and so I wanted to balance this through the cover design through the use of bright and dull colours.
I also used knowledge I had gained about legibility for children's text in the typography module for designing this cover.
I am very happy with the outcomes for this project, and feel like my campaign was really strong! I'm excited to present this work next week and then recieving my grades and feedback hopefully before the new year!