Pitch Reflection
Attendance: Lizzie, Katie, Mohit
We just had our pitch for the CRMC brief, and delivered it in front of 9 people who are involved in CRMC, the Festival, or to do with City of Culture.
On our table, we had both annual reports, the posters in different sizes, a laptop with the website and one with the pitch on it.
We pitched our ideas confidently and the judges seemed to like our ideas, enthusiasm and interaction
We think they liked the idea of the hand and the peace sign within it (they were nodding)
It would have been nice if Amz could have shown up, especially seeings he had done a leaflet yesterday in the library for the festival brief. In the end, he managed to come up with a really good design where the hand opened out in the middle to show the information on the inside. Unfortunately, he didn't come and so we didn't have that with us to show them, and it looked quite complex on screen. It would have allowed them to understand it more clearly.
However, I feel like I was confident with the delivery of the pitch and as a team we worked well together to show the judges what we had done with enthusiasm and confidence. Mark also commented on how I opened and closed the pitch very well, and kept it upbeat throughout.
Now it's up to them to make a decision!