Media Mania
At the start of summer, I decided that I would join a group called 'Media Mania'. While I was off University I figured I had the time and thought I'd go along to see what it's like.
I thought I would be going along to help work with the children, but it turns out the group is for children, teens and adults. It allows them to stay active in playing music, and doing photography and graphics in a world where these subjects are upsettingly, slowly diminishing in schools.
I went along, and had some photoshop lessons from a Mentor there (because I suck at photoshop). This same Mentor went on to teach me some photography and so I have been doing that too, and have taken a real interest in it.
Media Mania also had their own tent at the Godiva Festival, where they set up their own 'Youth Network Zone' with a stage and lots of Coventry's Youth services surrounding it. I have had the opportunity to be involved helping with the photography, as they wanted to document the weekend so that they can remember all the amazing things they achieved.
I was also lucky enough to be lent a camera, as I do not own my own.
Media Mania is great. They have their own band, opportunities to do solo tracks, electro music, graphics and photography. It is a very friendly environment and every week is fun. I have had a great time working with them, and hope to continue to do so when I go back to uni (timetable depending...)
They meet every Tuesday evening and Saturday afternoon, so if you, or your child is interested you should definitely find out more information and go along. It helps to keep children and teens creative and if music is something they are passionate about, it brings loads of amazing opportunities for them to not only practice, but perform at events too.
Thanks for reading,
Katie Xx