Summer Reflection
Over the summer, I have been given some amazing opportunities to do some more designing for In It Together and Sky Blues in the Community. Working with them means that my work gets used in real life situations and used to promote their events and classes. This summer I have produced a range of porters for lots of their different events.
I thought I would post them on here in my summer reflection, as the blog has not yet seen this work.
For In It Together, I was asked to create their 'Girls Night Out' poster. This was a massive opportunity for me, as this event was one of the biggest events they have hosted this year, and with hundreds of women in the project, I knew it would be seen by lots of people. This poster was put everywhere, both digitally and in print. I was really happy with the outcome. It is quite soft, making it feel quite special. I think the bright colours attract immediate attention. I also like the way that the photos and text in the middle are in a round flower shape of their own and the rest is plain. It gives it a simplistic touch, sometimes less is more. (The quality of this first image is not how it was, I have attached a previous draft of the poster that retained the quality in JPEG form for the blog so you can see how the glitter/spotlight effect was on the real poster).
For SBiTC I created 3 posters. Their brand guidelines are tighter than In It Together. With IIT I can pretty much create whatever I like (within reason) as long as it is suitable. SBiTC have a certain way they like their posters to look. At first, I sent a draft of my own and had to completely change it to fit their particular style. However, this was very beneficial as it made me realise that with some projects, you will have completely free reins, where as with others, although you may have one idea, you sometimes have to follow strict guidelines from the client/brand.
Here are the 3 posters I have created for SBiTC this summer:
I am happy with what I have produced. They look similar, part of a set and smart, but each has their own twist. I did this by using the same fonts and colours, and the same sort of design style to keep them all looking complimentary.
I have enjoyed these briefs over the summer and it has helped me to stay creative. I am grateful to have had the chance to work with a company who are prepared to use my work in the real world.
It is also good practice to be working with clients, sending them drafts, following their instructions and doing any changes in a timely fashion.
I hope this again, leads to more projects with them.
So this summer, I have mostly been working and seeing friends. It has been nice to meet up with old friends who have been home over the summer and back from University. I have also been on holidays, to France and Clacton which have been really great. My mum also took me to London for the day.
It has been nice to have some time to read, which is something I really enjoy doing when I have the time. I have also taken up photography and received my own camera for my birthday! This came from another project I joined called 'Media Mania' who help children, teens and adults to stay active in playing music, doing photography and graphics in a world where these subjects are diminishing in schools. This opportunity has been really fun.
I have also been doing my In It Together classes as usual, Running, Boxing, and Soccercise and the Yoga class at Capitol gym.
I feel healthy, happy and recharged ready to jump into second year.
Thanks for reading this pretty long post!
I hope you have enjoyed.
Katie Xx