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Grades and Feedback!

I have now received all the grades back for my first year at university. Below I will say what I got and respond to the feedback I have received.


111AAD: On 24th January I got my grades and feedback for the Typography module. I managed to get 72%, which equates to a first class grade. The feedback I received was also really positive, I received comments such as "You've picked up key elements of the drawing and extrapolated from them to produce a consistent and intelligent solution" and "Your essay is nicely designed". I am really pleased with my grade as I feel like I worked hard for this module and considering the deadline was before the Christmas holiday, I still feel as if I worked to the best of my ability. I have really enjoyed this typography module, and will bring the skills forward I have learned into other modules, such as InDesign skills and making large deals of writing work WITH illustrations and design.


112AAD: On Friday 3rd February grades were given back for the Visual Communications module, and my feedback sheet was given on the 5th. Overall I got a total of 68% (2:1), which I was quite happy with considering I found this module to have the most work and be the most challenging. However, when I received the grade I was (naturally) annoyed at being 2% off a first class grade! However, I am really happy with what I got as I thought I could have done worse on it.


113AAD: I also received this grade on 03/02/18. I got 58% - this is equivelent to a 2:2 I was quite disappointed and shocked about this grade as I feel I worked hard on this project. However, this has been a learning curve as I have learnt how to use the Adobe applications. I felt I developed a lot by doing this module, going from at the start, my work being hand made/drawn, to the end, using Adobe and technology to complete my work. I feel this is why I got the grade I did, however, I am happy with how the portfolio shows how I have grown and developed through the module.


114AAD: I got the result for this on 18/05/18. I received 65% which so happy with! I thought I would have just scraped a pass on this module, as it was the most challenging module ever. I couldn't get along with it (despite all my best efforts) and therefore I thought I would have done so much worse. However, in the presentation part of the module, I managed to talk to Paula and explain how I worked through it and I think this helped her to understand my choices for the module. I am so pleased with how it went in the end.


115AAD: This is the grade I received today, 21st May. This was the blogging/PDP module and was the one I got the highest mark on, 72%. This is something I have really enjoyed (and will continue to enjoy) doing. I love writing, reflection and showing what I have done as a sort of online portfolio. I will continue to blog, and am really happy and proud of the grade I have received.


All in all, this averages to 67.6% which is an upper second class degree (2:1). I am so happy and proud of this achievement.

When you add in my advantage module grade (that I was rather disappointed in) it comes to 66% which is still a 2:1

I am overall very happy with what I have achieved at my first year of uni. I need to continue working hard for the next two years to retain or even improve that grade, giving me the potential to come out with a first class degree!

Thanks for reading!

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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