A good place to start this blog post about 'next year' is to talk about yesterday (sounds odd I know) but yesterday we had to pick our advantage modules for year 2.
I am choosing to continue with teaching. This year, I worked with primary school children helping them with their reading. Next year, I will have the chance to do 'student tutoring' - I will relate this to design by tutoring a secondary school pupil in graphics/design technology.
This will allow me to do the two things I would most like to do at the same time, design and teaching.
I have chosen to continue with teaching as I feel doing it for more than one year gives me a stronger experience of it. It will make my application for PGCE (if I choose to continue and do it) much easier as I will already have some experience in schools. This will make me a preferable candidate.
I will also try to get my second year placement in a school. This will allow me to again, design and teach at the same time. I will be gaining real life experience and knowledge in both which will help me chose what to do after university. The placement will be every day, like a real job as a teacher and could confirm that I love teaching and it is my passion. It could also show me that it might not be for me, however this will give me time to find something else I enjoy, before going off and doing a PGCE and wasting time and money on something that I may not desire to do.
The placement will therefore be really valuable. I am hoping that the experience I am gaining now during my advantage modules will allow me to be able to firstly - get a placement in a school next year, and secondly - help me onto a PGCE course if that is something I chose to do.
Thank you for looking forwards with me!
Katie Xx