Personal Development
For this week's blog post, I wanted to write about personal development.
In previous blog posts, I have discussed wanting to become a run leader with a programme I take part in called 'In It Together'.
Last night, I attended the first session of the new course as an official run leader. I started the course in my own purple uniform and was introduced in the opening speech and I just felt so proud of myself. I managed to compete this goal and will be starting the other course I am a leader on in Longford on Thursday.
There is a photo here of me ready to go to the session with my uniform on.
Last night, at the Memorial Park there was a group of 120 women split between 6 Run Leaders. There is usually one more, my mum, but unfortunately she has broken her foot taking part in the Spring Wolf Run, and now cannot take part in any exercise. I am so sad to be doing my first proper course as a run leader without her, especially seeings we are doing the brand new course in Longford together, it was something fresh and exciting for us to do as a pair. She cannot take part and I am really upset about this, however she will still be there to help and see how everything goes. She will still be a part of it despite the fact she cannot run. This course will have less women, as it is more of a trial run to see how people in the area respond to it. There will be 60 women on that course.
This was the army of women warming up last night ready to start their course:
I am so proud to officially be a run leader in this amazing programme. I really want to help inspire the women on the course and keep them motivated so that they reach their goal, just like the leaders on my course helped me when I started.
I love volunteering with In It Together and hope that the course on Thursday is just as successful. I feel like this programme helps to develop me as a person, in confidence and running helps me to think and come up with new ideas.
Thanks for reading this post about my self development!
Katie Xx