This week's word of the week is unexpected. Something that was unexpected for me during my uni journey is actually doing Graphic Design. I applied for Philosophy originally as I was torn between the two, Philosophy and Graphics. I wanted to apply to both but that was not possible. In the end I chose Philosophy as in year 12 I enjoyed the subject and what we were doing in it much more than what we were doing in Design at the time and so chose that.
I went through the whole of year 13 having applied for Philosophy, however this changed on results day when I missed the grades for the course at my two chosen unis.
I was in clearing, with grades ACC.
I couldn't do Philosophy at any other local unis, and the two that I applied for essentially told me to resit my a-levels. That was not something I could do so therefore I took a closer look at Coventry and remembered my Design roots. I got an A* at GCSE, an A in a-level and I remember my mum saying "maybe its for the best, you're clearly better at design anyway" and so I went for it. I phoned up Coventry and managed to get myself a place on the course.
I went to sleep that night with a completely different path than I thought I would take. This unexpected turn was daunting and scary, however something about it was rather exciting.
It took me a while to get over the change, even when I had started uni, as every time I would get critiqued badly for something or someone didn't like my work, instead of taking the feedback as constructive I would kick myself into thinking what I'd done was wrong, I thought I wasn't meant to do graphics anyway and maybe it just wasn't for me. Now I embrace the course (well I try to!) and every time something like this happens I remind myself that I got a place on the course. I am just as good as anyone else there, just because I applied a different way it does not mean I am less deserving. This just shows that everything must happen for a reason as sometimes things are unexpected but turn out to be better than what you originally had in mind.
Thanks for reading!
Katie Xx