Shop Front Festival
This weekend (Friday 23rd-Saturday 24th March) saw Coventry's first 'Shop Front Festival' held by the Chris and Julia at Coventry's 'Shop Front Festival'.
I was dong my placement and then working Friday, and working most of today (Saturday) but managed to get down and see a couple of things after work.
I went to 2 events, firstly, "RE-TOLD – GIVE A STORY AND GAIN A DANCE – MERCURIAL DANCE, CET Building, 157 Corporation Street". The company asked for people's stories of Coventry, and then turned them into a creative story and dance/drama piece to go with it. It was very creative and showed how the performers would throw them selves into any story, completely trusting one another with lifts and tricks along the way. It was engaging and engrossing.
I also managed to go to "COVENTRY DREAMING – NINA VON DER WERTH, IKEA Bed Department, Queen Victoria Road". This was when they (presumably) pre-recorded peoples voices about their dreams and then responded to it creatively in the IKEA bed section.
Here's what I got:
The best part of this performance was when they did a dance/performance to the intro of "Little Big Planet" which has Stephen Fry talking about dreams and thoughts and where they go, as an introduction to the game. This is one of my favourite games, I was so excited when it was mentioned. Someone spoke about this as their relation to dreams and so the intro was played. It is fun yet philosophical. I have attached it below (watch until about 1:12, after that it is gameplay - this is the only video of the Stephen Fry audio I could find).
I thought all the performers were talented and amazing, They were so creative. What I saw really inspired me and I wish I could have been more involved in the experience.
If it happens again, I will make sure I am able to absolutely throw myself into it instead of having to work!
It has inspired me to read more over the summer, especially poetry, and maybe write some myself. This will make me a more cultured, creative person.
Thanks for reading!
I hope you managed to attend some of the festival if you are from Coventry.
Katie Xx