The Story So Far - Mid Semester Reflection
This week, we are really focussing on reflection and how it helps me to develop as a person and designer. I will break this down into 5 categories in order to make myself reflect.
1. Patterns within my posts
Something I have noticed that I talk about a lot recently is coding. This is because it is really difficult. Every week I seem to have a breakthrough, whether this realising how to do something, the structure of the wireframe, a new cool idea or something else. However, this soon comes crashing down around me until I am a MASSIVE ball of stress. I realise that my wireframe is too complex for me to actually code, I have a cool idea and can't do it. I have been looking for ways to get round problems on the internet, but have booked a session with Paula to try and get the right guidance. I feel like the reason I write about coding so much is because I care so much. I also have all the best ideas but I get so frustrated because I can't code it the way I want it. I feel like I have the best website in my head but can't actually do it in code. To move forwards, I need to try to code as much as I can myself before seeing Paula tomorrow. I feel like seeing her and speaking to her about my problems at my own page will help me to understand coding better. This is what I need to do to move forwards.
2. Developing as a designer
From my PDP I can tell I have developed. A key post for showing this is the one where I finally felt confident to talk about and show work from the Technical Skills Sessions we had last semester. I remember writing this post, as I was so excited to finally post some things I had done on illustrator AND feel proud of them. I talk about how at the start of the semester, I was feeling "down" about the sessions. I was embarrassed of what I was producing in each session. However, I kept going to them, kept trying and kept developing. I found myself feeling happy and proud of the work I was creating. This was a real turning point for me as I finally felt good enough to be on the course. From these sessions, I have continued to develop my Illustrator skills and now I am working on a series of illustrated sporting characters. If I had given up and not gone to those skills sessions, I wouldn't be where I am now. I am proud of my development from literally not being able to use the pen tool, to being able to illustrate what I can now. I know I am not yet perfect, and my skills still need to develop further, but I am making progress every day to become more like the designer I aspire to be.
3. Developing as a person
Within my posts I feel like I have firstly developed in confidence. At the start, my confidence was knocked as I was not originally meant to do this course. I let this get me down, every time I did a piece of work and had to show it, I spoke badly of it, saying it wasn't good enough and blaming it on the fact "I wasn't meant to do this course". However, this is not a valid excuse. I would not have been accepted into this university especially through clearing if they didn't think I was good enough. Some people get rejected at the interview/initial stage. The fact they accepted me, having seeing no work, then I must have been good enough.
I have also developed teamwork skills. When I was in Sixth-Form, I was Head Girl. Although this required me to lead a group of other students, it was more of a Leading role than a Teamwork role. I worked with the Head Boy, and took into account what people in the Leadership Team wanted, however I was Leading more than working in a larger team.
Within 114AD (Paula's module) I really have to work with other people in my team as a single unit. No one person is more important than an other. All our opinions are equal, and when we disagree there is no single overriding or deciding voice. I have learnt to value other people's opinions, understand their side of the story, and troubleshoot problems together and come up with a solution we all like.
4. Blog upoloads
I think the amount that I update my blog is adequate. I always do a new post on a Monday talking about something that has happened that week. This is minimum. Sometimes (like this week) I do 2 posts per week. I also have my TBT series, I upload to this on a Thursday. I always try to link it to something creative or how this particular event has moulded me into a creative person. I also posts on a Wednesday as a part of Phil's class. This includes the word of the week post and whatever other writing activities Phil has planned for us. I feel like my blog is very active and had a lot of varied content to read and look at.
5. Other ways I have developed
I have developed my Running. Although this has been mentioned briefly in the blog before, I want to talk about it in more depth. I am due to have my Run Leader interview a week tomorrow. However, on Monday I was given an official Run Leader t-shirt. I have been promoted to the position early! I am so proud of myself as (I don't think) this has ever happened before. There is usually a rule of 'you must do 2 full courses before an interview' and I am just over half way through my second course. I really wanted to become a Run Leader and have been pushing myself so that they would see I am a very suitable candidate. Now, I just need to make sure I smash the interview on the 15th so my place will be official!
I am also due to do the Draycote 10k on May 13th, and the Colour Blast Dash for the Laura Centre on May 20th. I am excited for these events, and will blog my experiences.
Thanks for reading!
Katie Xx