This weeks word of the week is PDP.
P is Personal - it is about looking at ME, my progress, my goals, my habits etc.
D is Development - I need to look at what I am doing, how I am progressing and what I can do to develop more.
P is Planning - I need to plan how I can use my strengths and weaknesses and move forwards. I need to know how to build on my skills and progress. Planning is also about reflection. Without looking back, I cannot plan what I need to do next.
PDP is all about looking at what I can do, where I am and what I have become, and reflecting upon it. It is about my journey through university, as a person and designer. It is about thinking about what has made me creative, what has attracted me to design, what I will do with my skills. How I will use them, what I might do in the future, and what I can do now to help myself later on - such as work experience, building professional skills and creating contacts. You need to get your name out there... whether this is through sharing this blog or through Instagram or any other form of social media. For example, I have partly based my work for Paula on Coventry's 'In It Together' scheme. Every time I do a blog post, illustration or poster I send it to them to look at. They retweet my work, more people see it and then remember something I have done. This may not seem so important now, but actually in the long run, it is showing off my work and skills. They are also a well known and amazing company and working with them is something that will be quite influential for me in the future.
PDP is also looking at skills such as self analysis, time keeping, working on confidence, team working and building on my own skill set.
Reflecting and working on strengths and weaknesses is all a part of what will make me a better person and designer.
Thank you for reading this fairly deep and reflective post. I hope you have enjoyed!
Katie Xx