Sports Illustrations
For my poster for 114AAD, a common piece of feedback I received was that the poster was nice but needed something else. This is when I decided to take action and create something that gave it that extra "oomph". I created some illustrations of people doing 4 main sports in Adobe Illustrator. These took me AGES. These are how they look at the minute:
I wanted to show different genders and ethnicities of people doing a variety of different sports to promote diversity. I did them all from behind - this was not originally intentional but I did the yoga lady first and she was from behind anyway. I then thought it might look quite cool to have the all from behind doing their sports. Now they are complete this looks quite effective.
The football player is definitely the weakest, as I couldn't get his arms right. On the photo I used, the angle means he has no hands, but when I took the photo away it looked weird. (This was honestly the only decent behind football photo I could find, the others were too wide and this was the only one). I then tried to rearrange this so that he still looked natural but without seeing his hands, but now he just looks as if he's doing something a bit rude. I want to change him anyway, because on my website I'm not actually promoting football, but instead soccercise.
I can also use these illustrations on my website. For the poster I will leave 4 of them, as this fits the spacing nicely. However, for the website I will have 6 for my 6 different sports, and all of them will be a link to each individual sporting page.
Overall, I am really proud I have produced these. I sort of shocked myself when drawing them as they look quite good. I never thought I would be able to do something like this. It just shows how much I have developed from starting at uni to now. When Pete first introduced us to Illustrator, I was so awful and felt ashamed of what I was producing. Now I am proud of what I can do.
To complete the series, I need to do one for soccercise instead of football, one for netball and one for circuit training.
Thanks for reading! I hope you like my illustrations.
Katie Xx