A letter from future You
Dear Katie,
This is a letter from your future self. It is 2028. I am here to motivate you and tell you that good things are coming! You need to keep going and working hard and this is what you will achieve.
You are teaching graphic design in a secondary school. You motivate the kids so much in what they do. They look forward to your lessons and are motivated to complete their coursework and learn about the subject. You are head of department, have your own team, and make sure that the design industry continues in this school. You have your own block in the school too, with food classes downstairs, and graphics and RM rooms upstairs. You have an office! You are so official and fancy! You always make sure you have everything ready to make the kids education the BEST it can be. You absolutely fight for your subject, making sure it gets as much funding and attention as the other subjects.
You got here by completing your degree to a high standard. You didn’t give up, despite the fact you wanted to so many times. Yeah, it has been tough, but you did it! You have graduated with all your friends, and most importantly, made your family so proud. After this, you go on to Newman University to do your PGCE Degree. Now you're qualified to do both Graphics and teaching! It also helped that your advantage modules in Coventry University focussed on primary education, this gave you an extra boost.
You still do your hobbies, such as running, boxing and circuit training, however running takes a priority. You can now run half marathons, and complete the Coventry one every year (this is 22k!). You also do loads of charity runs and organise for your running group to take part in them, yes, your running group. You made it to be a run leader and still lead these ladies every week through the Run Like A Girl programme.
You still live in Coventry, and have JUST managed to get a mortgage, (the world is a mess and it is still generation rent!) BUT to look on the bright side, you have got your own house. You have a lovely husband and are settling down nicely for your future together, with your pets of course. At the minute, you have a miniature daschund, and a ginger kitten called Ed (you still love Ed Sheeran, hence the name). Back to family - you had the loveliest wedding surrounded by friends and family, and honeymoon, away from everything in the Maldives.
You are happy.
Keep working hard, I know its though but you have also proven you can reach this goal! Good luck with everything, you will get there eventually, all your hard work will pay off.
Katie Xx