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Yesterday we began HTML coding as a part of our 114AAD module. I am enjoying it, but it is really time consuming and very tedious. It seems like you have done so much precise coding, paying close attention to detail and making sure everything is correct. Then, when you open the webpage, there is literally nothing to show for it! It takes so much code for one little bit of website, it seems like you spend so much time doing all this work coding and type and get nothing out of it!

In today's lesson, we have learned about changing fonts, creating line breaks and how to use hexadecimal colours as they are better on screens for webpages, and have the largest verity of colours. We then applied what we have learned by revamping the Playwrights dessert menu, and creating a link back to the main website.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have enjoyed this tedious and annoying post about coding.

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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