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What interests me Currently?

Now I have completed a whole semester of being a Graphic Design student and have started to reflect upon what I enjoy most. Last semester, I have really enjoyed the practical workshops that have come alongside 112AAD such as Mono Printing, Linocutting, and Sublimation Printing. I also enjoyed making my M for the MakerSpace brief and upon reflection, I have realised that this is because they were all practical tasks. I like to be able to do hands on activities to create things that look beautiful graphically. I have learnt that these things also incorporate into Graphic Design.

I have also really enjoyed the typography module as it was one large project of exploration, research and creativity. I really enjoyed the magazine part of the module and I loved how it all tied together into one final submission.

Here are some reminder images about what these sections of more practical work were.

Thankyou for reading and reflecting back on my favourite parts with me!

Katie Xx

Meet your Blogger

Hi! I'm Katie, studying Graphic Design at Coventry University. I am using my blog as a space where I can record my University experience, and document interesting elements of my course, and other things I find along the way. Enjoy!

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