Module Launches!
For the first proper week of uni, the modules we would be doing were launched. With each launch, a task was set to inspire us or to show us what to do. On the first day, Paula launched the Visual Communications module. For this task, we were given a set of co-ordinates to follow. This made us explore the city, while inspiring us for a project all about Coventry, relating to the bid for the City of Culture 2021.
On Friday, Phil launched the Typography module where we had to do a series of different themed life drawings, one of these will be the basis for our typography module.
However, my favourite module launch was the Design Contexts module with Rob on Tuesday. In this, we looked at different types of collages and made one of our own, as practice for a collage task will be doing as a part of the module. I enjoyed this the most as I was able to cut and stick, and because there was no set brief, I could just have a bit of fun and create something I liked. This is the collage I made.
Though the collage is not perfectly central, I like the composition of colours, with the newspaper element breaking the central piece from the background. I was proud of this piece of work.
On top of these launches, we had the first of our technical sessions, a beginners Photoshop workshop, and an additional series of lectures began. These are all about designers and key eras of design, one in each week. These compliment the typography module.
The rest of the time I spent researching my chosen topic of 'Churches and Cathedrals' for the Vis Com module, and doing sketches for this.
I also started my add+vantage module for teaching, where we completed paperwork to allow us to go into the schools, and we did icebreaker tasks to allow us to gel as a group.
The launch activities have been fun, however, the amount of work and pressure is a lot (especially after doing nothing for so long!). I hope I manage to keep on top of all the work and am able to continue doing fun things alongside studying. I still haven't joined any societies and sports clubs. I cannot join cheerleading, as my job clashes with the training and it would not be fair to let the team down for one session a week. I cannot join any sporting societies anyway at the minute, due to back problems which I am seeing a chiropractor about. I intend to join a society this week if it isn't too late. I managed to sign up to become a course rep though, which I think will be a great opportunity for me, as I used to be Head Girl of my Sixth Form.
Thank you, as always for reading my blog!
Katie Xx