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Yesterday we began HTML coding as a part of our 114AAD module. I am enjoying it, but it is really time consuming and very tedious. It...

As a part of starting the new module 115AAD (our Personal Development Planning Module) we are to analyse a word of the week each session....

2 more Submissions, and the End of Semester 1!
Monday 8th January was the deadline for modules 112 (Visual Communications) and 113 (Design Contexts). This meant the Christmas Holidays...

Typography Submission
Today, I managed to submit my first module for uni, typography. It has been stressful, but submitting all my hard work up to this point...

Maker Space Exhibition
For the Design Contexts module, as brief 4 we were required to do a 'Maker Space' project. This is something that could be going forward...

Technical Skills Sessions
As a part of the Design Contexts module we have been receiving 'Technical Skills Sessions' where we are taught to use Adobe Creative...

Today, I managed to bind my Visual Narrative Publication for the Visual Communications Module. I prepared all my pages and although was...

Kaleidoscope Art Exhibition
At the weekend, I visited the Kaleidoscope Art Exhibition at the Warwick Arts centre (outside of uni) which was about colour and sequence...

Compton Verney Map Brief
For the Design Contexts module, we were given the brief of recreating the Compton Verney gallery map, to make it more exciting and...

Printing like Gutenberg
On Friday, we had a taste of being able to print like Gutenberg, with a 'replica' press Coventry University has. The university has cases...

Typography with a twist!
On Friday, there was a typography class, as normal. Usually during this time, we continue with our work and get feedback from our...

The Importance of Feedback
I have now been at uni for a month and am beginning to settle in. However, something that I have noticed throughout all modules that I...
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